The department of Business Administration was established during the year 2018 with the objective of providing opportunities and exposure to young women especially from the diminished to become dynamic entrepreneurs. BBA is a three-year professional Course.

The department aims to provide the latest to the students and make them technically skilled. Our faculty members are committed to being the best teachers possible, while participating in the creation of new knowledge to keep our courses fresh, Practical and relevant.

The Department conducted Short-term value-added course and organized the Industrial visits, Alumni Interactions, Seminars, Workshops, Buzi - Expo etc,. BBA students can opt for further studies by pursuing either for Post Graduate Courses in Management Faculties like MBA, MMS, PGDBM, Hotel Management etc.


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)


  • To be a transformational leader in thought, education and business through knowledge creation, innovative programs and extraordinary experiences.


  • To impart quality education ensuring dissemination of knowledge blended with its practical application for developing required management and technical skills.
  • To prepare students for emerging trends in the related industry.
  • To provide management education a core component of our growth and success.
  • To Promote self-employment through entrepreneurship.


  • To familiarize develop and strengthen the basic managerial concepts and skills.
  • To enrich knowledge in the various areas of business administration like human resource, finance, operations and marketing to give a holistic understanding of a business system.
  • To prepare young minds with a positive attitude towards community service.


  • Prepare students for pursuing higher studies in the field of management and to build entrepreneurial talent and skills that will make them employable.
  • Generate business ideas, business plans, understand regulatory requirements and locate resources to start new business ventures.
  • To meet the needs of small and medium enterprises as well as large corporations. It will give a professional qualification to those engaged in the administration and management of businesses and other organizations, including public, private and non-for-profit organizations.
  • To improve professional communication skills and soft skills of the students along with enhancing administration skills in them.
  • To help students to understand the various areas and explore various types of opportunities available in practical world of Business.


  • The department students won prizes at state and national level intercollegiate competitions.
  • The students of the Department have been securing University ranks consistently.
  • Faculty members have attended national and international seminar, National Workshop.
  • Outbound learning and industrial visits.
  • Compulsory internship for final year students.
  • Electives in cross-functional areas of choice.
  • The students can opt for any subject offered by any Department to supplement their study.
  • A large core faculty team with industrial experience and supported by visiting faculty from the industry with innovative teaching methods.
  • Our college conducted regular Career Development Programmes.
  • Students are empowered to become HR Assistant, logistic officer, Accountant.