MIT College of Arts and Science for Women has an Internal Complaints Committee in accordance with the University notifications pertaining to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressed) Act, 2013.


  • To frame guidelines and norms against sexual harassment.
  • To extend principles and procedures to contest sexual harassment.
  • To uphold a social and psychological environment that will raise awareness about sexual harassment in its various forms.
  • To afford an environment free gender-based discrimination.
  • To generate a sheltered physical and social environment this will prevent acts of sexual harassment.
  • Creation and delivery of customized awareness training sessions to the management, internal complaints committee and employees, on a need basis. Responsibilities/ Activities
  • Provide necessary facilities to the Internal Committee, as the case may be, for dealing with the complaint and conducting an inquiry;
  • To ensure provision of a work and educational environment that is free from sexual harassment
  • To take all reasonable steps (active and preventive in nature) to prevent the harassment to occurring; Monitor the timely submission of reports by the Internal Committee.

Meeting Frequency: Once in a semester

We have formed sexual Harassment committee to prevent the sexual harassment to the ladies. In case of any complaint, employees and students may contact the following committee members.


  • To ensure a healthy and happy learning atmosphere for the students.
  • To sustain a safe and ragging free environment in the institution.
  • To ensure the rights and dignity for every individual students.
  • To make sure that individual students are respected and protected.


To sort out their grievance, students could either mail their complaints through the mail id [email protected] or submit their complaint in writing to the committee members or the student’s representatives. Students who want to remain anonymous may drop their complaints in the complaint box which is placed in the near office room. The committee members will attend the complaints and rectify the grievances within few days.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To accept the genuine grievances from the students and suggest remedial measures to solve in the stipulated period of time.
  • To create and implement a procedure for handling the complaints that have been filed.
  • To send the findings to management for any further action that may be required.
  • To immediately and completely hear, document, and look into complaints from teachers and students, as well as to take appropriate action.
  • To schedule frequent meetings to evaluate the grievances' state of resolution.
  • The Grievance Redressal committee of the college shall monitor status and progress of Grievance Redressal and shall furnish report on Grievance Redressal position to the Principal.
  • The committee ensures effective solution to the faculty / students grievances with an impartial and fair approach.
  • It also encourages the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.


Assistant Professor & Head
Department of Physics


Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology

Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce

Students Representatives
